
Find Faculty and Staff

Name Title Department Email Phone
Corbett, Lindsey Lecturer School of Nursing & Health Sciences 267-341-3293
Cordero, Susan Lecturer School of Nursing & Health Sciences 267-341-3293
Costa, Roberta Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
Covington, Carly
Coyle, Lisa Lecturer 267-341-5012
Cretu, Alexandra Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
Croce, Katharine Associate Professor School of Arts & Sciences
Crowley, Theresa Lecturer School of Education 267-341-3246
Cruice, Patricia Lecturer 215-379-1009
Cuddahy, Terese Lecturer School of Nursing & Health Sciences 267-341-3293
Cunningham, Candance Lecturer 267-341-3293
Cunningham, Patrick
Czapla, Monika Lecturer School of Nursing & Health Sciences 267-341-3293
Czarnecki, Julie Lecturer 267-341-3238
D'Amore, Anthony Maintenance Specialist Maintenance & Facilities 267-341-5009
D'Angelo, Rachel Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
D'Onofrio, Salina
D'Onofrio, Salina Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
D'Orazio, Carolann Lecturer School of Nursing & Health Sciences
Daiutolo, Robert
Dalessandro, Alicia Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
Daley, Colleen Lecturer School of Nursing & Health Sciences 267-341-3293
Daly, Julie Lecturer School of Nursing & Health Sciences 267-341-3293
Daly, Sean Lecturer School of Arts & Sciences 267-341-3238
Daniels-Archie, Sharonn Lecturer School of Nursing & Health Sciences 267-341-3293